Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Bye bye love

I’ve spent the last 5 years giving others advice to the customers visiting the store on how to dress up. what to wear that back tie top with, or why should you buy that boring black trouser? I’ve had customers who would call for me because they trusted my judgement of a product better than their own! I must have been giving some right advice! But my ideas were being shared one person at a time, and there is a whole world out there with an almost infinite number of possibilities, and still millions who deserved to access to my knowledge on how to make better choices for a better lifestyle.

Mailbox curiosity was a full-time hobby to distracted my idle mind in between jobs. A hobby that got an amazing positive response, from everyone (I’m not kidding or self glorifying). So this time, I have created a full time purpose to bring the best of style to best of people, who want to be extraordinary.

It’s time to move out from hobby to make it my skill, A sincere effort to make the world more stylish. Do visit my new blog www.curiousmeetsstyle.com Please do feel free to like comment and follow my blog.

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